Thursday, November 20, 2008

The awakening of a sleeping giant

°Metallica Concert kicked ass
°I'm home.
°Twilight premiers tonight.
°Don't want to go to work tomorrow.
°Stars Game Saturday.

*Screen goes fuzzy, music ques, time travels back to Tuesday night, BOK Center.*

As the lights go down, I cant help but hear the most primal scream escape my lips. I see James step up on stage and they automatically go into perfomance. The crowd is going nuts. The light show is unexplainable.. each light coming from huge steel coffins hung from the rafters. The vibe is insane and I can't believe I'm there to witness it.

Every song they played was amped with energy and furiosity. I couldnt believe I was seeing "Metallica". The band I had made fun of so many times for selling out and sucking ass. I couldnt believe I was actually enjoying myself.

They put on one of the best shows I've ever seen. 2'nd best in my lifetime..(you wont catch me putting Metallica before Slayer, sorry)... and I'll admit I half expected to see Lars coming onto stage driving hover-round, James toting a cane, and Kirk to be sitting in the yoga position center stage. They really blew my perception of Metallica out of the water.

I plan on seeing them again and the journalist who compared this tour to Russia taking over Georgia was dead on.. This is the awakening of a sleeping giant.

*Screen goes fuzzy, intro of The Day that Never Comes is on. Faze back to now*

I'm home, sleepy and not wanting to go to work. I'd rather go see the Twilight premier tonight at midnight... oh Twilight with your one liners that make me melt and be thankful for my own Edward(ahem Garrett). I'm quite excited about tomorrow and seeing it. I dont care if I have to drag my 11 yr old brother and 25 yr old boyfriend along! I'm seeing it!!

Saturday we're going to see the Stars play. Third row behind the players! I'm sooo stoked. =]

Well I guess I should end this and go to bed.
Blah, work.

XoXo, Tiffany

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