Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Resolutions are the same tomorrow.

"How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them." -Benjamin Franklin

With tomorrow being the beginning of a new year, I look back at 2008. Tons of emotions flood me and as I sit here I cant help but feel like I failed. My resolutions werent even close to being met and some of them even backtracked... so this year I vow to make better and just in case I felt like backing out I decided to write this blog.

1. Photography
My first resolution is to do something with this new passion Ive found in photography. Maybe take a few classes, build a portfolio... I truly do believe I've found my calling.

2. Read more books.
There is no better feeling in the world than finishing a good book. Maybe I should join a book-group.

3. Eat healthier overall.
I have found that over this past year I have gained too much weight to be considered healthy... I hope tocut back on the fast food(not cut out, but BACK) and make my diet a bit more healthy.

4. Exercise my Mind and Body
Whether this means dancing my ass off to my Ipod when Garretts not home, investing in the WII fit or jogging after work. I must get back to my healthy body. I also want to be as sharp as I used to be.. its true that when you dont challenge your brain, it dies. I hope to start doing more crosswords, wordfinds, sudokus or maybe finding a trvial game to play with Garrett... Maybe we'll invest in a season of Cashcab? haha

5. Smile to at least one stranger a day.
I love it when strangers smile at me in passing. Its normally what makes my day, especially in a city like Dallas. I plan on returning the favor and doing more to make people smile. =]

6. PostSecret
Send in my secret.

7. Donate more to charity and support groups.
Im tired of going into goodwill or salvation army and only finding shit that is priced the same as walmart. I know tons of families donate really good stuff to these local stores so why is there only crap on new stock days? I refuse to give them anymore.
I do plan to give to charities I believe in.

8. I am a person too!
Ive realized that I go to far out of my way for other people... I have some inferiority complex where I think complete strangers deserve to walk all over me. Im working on this now but I hope that by the end of 2009, I'll realize that I to am a Hhuman Being and I am worthy of peoples respect as well.

A new life is about to begin for me. I will be getting married in October. I know our relationship isnt flawless and I hope to work on the problems... but I do realize that working on the problems is part of the journey of sharing your life with someone. Im excited for a lot of things are due to happen this year.. and I hope everyone else has a positive outlook as well. =]

A few smaller goals I have that I'd like to accomplish are:
Have at least one picnic.
Watch the sun rise and set.
Make new friends.
Touch real snow.
Call my family more often.
Roll down a grassy hill.
See more of the world.
Try new foods/restaraunts.
Find new music.
Give my pets equal love.
Learn how to play ALL the instruments on RockBand.
Beat at least one video game that I've never beat before.
Make Garrett feel more appreciated.
Have more Date Nights.

So thats it. I have tons more but I cant find my list haha. I hope everyone has a good year, and a safe/fun night!

love ya'll,

Tiffany D.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 in Review

2008: In The Beginning

Where were you on New Years?
Slow dancing on the back patio with Garrett.

Who were you with?
Garrett, Donna, Mike, and Cindy

Did you make any resolutions?
I accomplished maybe 2, haha.

2008: Your Love Life:
Did you break up with anyone?:

Did you get anything for Valentine's day?
yes, a teddy bear and a hunter s thompson book. I also got a jacket but thats another story haha.

Did you meet anyone special?
Yes, I met a lot of specials.

2008: Friends and Enemies:
Did you meet any new friends this year?

Did any of your friendships end?
Yes, but its alright. She was only bringing me down.

Did you dislike anyone?
yes, only a few people.

Did you make any new enemies?
YES! haha

Did you resolve any fights?
No but I encouraged positive actions that are paying off.

Did you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?

2008: All about YOU:
Did you change at all this year?
I got a "real" job.

Did you dye your hair?
yes a few colors from the rainbow.

Did you get your hair cut?
yes =[

Did you change your style?
It matured. thank Kayla! haha

Were you in school?

Did you get good grades?
I didnt go to school.

Did you have a job?

Did you drive?
a few times haha.

Did you own a car?
I still do haha Im selling it though.

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Did you move at all?
I moved around a lot but I still live in the same location. =P

Did you go on any vacations?
Boston, Salem, and Plymouth! I LOVED it!

Would you change anything about yourself now?
Working on it. =D

2008: Wrap Up:
Is 2008 a good year?

Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
It bloody better!

I confess that in 2008 I...
() made out in/on a car
() kissed in the snow
() celebrated Halloween
() went over the minutes on your cell phone
() someone questioned your sexual orientation
() came out of the closet
(x) had/have a relationship with someone you'll never forget
() done something you've regretted
() lost faith in love
(x) painted a picture
(x) wrote a poem
() ran a mile
(X) posted a blog on MySpace
(X) listened to music you couldn't stand
(X) went to a sleepover
() went camping
() threw a surprise party
(X) laughed till you cried
(haha) laughed till you peed in your pants
( ) visited a foreign country
(X) cut in a line of waiting people
(X) told someone you were busy when you weren't
() partied to celebrate the new year
(x) cooked a disastrous meal
(X) lost something/someone important to you
() lied about how old you were
() prank called someone
(X) got prank called by someone

With 2008 at an End, Do This and BE HONEST:
Have you had any relationships this year?
yes =]

Have you had your birthday yet?

Puked at all?

Bought something(s)?

What are you thinking about?

--Ten Things About Your Love Life 2008--

Do you believe in love?
of course

This year have you ever been heartbroken?
in a sense.

This year have you broken someone's heart:?

This year have you ever fallen for your best friend?
I was in love with my best friend when the year began.

Have you loved someone but never told them?

Are you afraid of commitment?
Im engaged... so no haha.

Have you been kicked out of a store this year?

Have you shop lifted this year?
on accident.

Have you told someone you loved them & meant it?

Whats your plan for 2009?
To chase my dream, accomplish my goals(see previous blog) and live happily ever after.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Mr. S.

I tried to be good this year... but you know how it is.

I thought I wrote you last year, but I couldn't find the letter. If I did, I know I told you that I was going through some pretty dire straits. I had a hard couple of years, Santa. My life fell apart and I watched my family fall apart.

This year has been better. It started off not so good, and things started to get better toward the very end of the year. If you sent a little magic my way, thank you.
I finally figured out what I want and I got it. I can't tell you how good it feels to say that. You've sent me the most amazing fiance, thanks again. ;)

It's been a long time since I felt joy during this time of year. I feel it this year, Santa. The problem is, its his favorite time of year and despite my best efforts I still feel like this Christmas is lacking. Considering the circumstances its understandable... but some extra holiday cheer would be pretty badass.

Santa, if there's anything I want from you, it's this: I don't know if you have a special connection with angels, but if you do, could you please ask them to tell my missing loved ones all the good news? I know they would be happy for me. I miss them terribly, especially my sister. Tell them that I love them. Please tell them about this wonderful man in my life. Tell them that in spite of all my pain, I've found joy and love, and that now I understand how beautiful small things can be. And if it's not too big of a favor to ask, could you somehow arrange it so that everyone I love feels that love and is happy to?

I know that there may not be much you can do about war, the economy, hunger, and the other miseries of this world, but if you have some magic meant for me, could you pass it on? I'm finally ok, and I'd really like to see other people happy. Thanks for everything Santa.

Now for the selfish stuff, haha. First, I would like my hair to grow just a little faster. I really want to get past the difficult stage soon. Secound, I want a nice romantic kiss at Midnight on New Years. Third, a hippopotamus.

Thank You and Keep it Real Santa,


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Our first Christmas ornament but more importantly the pickle!

My Bluebird.(favorite ornament this year)

Devil we got in Salem, MA.

In honor of the character Hedwig.

My favorite childhood book.

The "we're engaged." antique ornament.

Yoshi and the OSU ornament.

PacMan Bitches!

Antique Deer.

Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Autumn light fading fast

This autumn has had its ups and downs. There has been struggle and loss that noone wants to face.. but through it all we have both managed to keep going and smiling. We have had our good times also(ahem the ring). So now as I prepare myself for an autumn walk in the park.. I can't help but look back over the past few months and smile. I'm the happiest I've been in my entire life. Not to mention a lot wiser. Whatever the future holds for me, I'm ready.

Music: Cat Stevens- Wild World

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fall Fun

What a weekend! Well Technically it is now the week but its been a continuation of the weekend.

I picked Dakotah up and luckily he wanted to see Twilight too! YAY!! After we talked Garrett into going, we set off to the theatre. I wasnt to impressed with the movie. I mean I loved it, but if you hadnt read the book, you would probably get lost during the movie. The imagery was beautiful though... and I'm still a fan. Bring on New Moon!!

Garrett had to work until Noon... and I kinda sleptuntil Garrett woke me up. We set off to try a new sammich place here in Plano called Lemmys. Their Philly Cheesestake was alright but I've had better. We then went back to the house and chilled until it was time to leave for the Stars game. We had killer seats, third row behind the Star's bench. After we arrived, got our seats, and the Stars came out, we realized that we had secound row behind the Ducks bench. Woo we were closer!! but we were behind the freakin wrong bench! haha. I soon got over this and enjoyed the game. I think Dakotah did too. We lost(*sad face*) but it was still a great game. I got to witness my first face off so that was fun.
Once we got home we decided that, in the spirit of hockey, we would watch Slapshot. That movie was soo great. If you like hockey you have to see it.

I woke up early to spend time with Dakotah. In the spirit of niceness I let Garrett sleep in until Dakotah and I couldnt handle our hunger anymore. After I woke him up we set off for Nikkis! I love Nikkis. They have the best French Toast EVER! Later that evening we took Dakotah to the Purple Cow. I love that place.. I had a peppermint shake and it was freakin Delish! We then set off to see Role Model. That movie is NOT children appropriate.. I guess thats why they rated it R. haha. It was still funny though.

We didnt do much... I took Dakotah to Toys R Us.. We ordered Pizza and stayed in. Dakotah had to work on his new legos set all night and then we decided to make hand turkeys! yay!

I forgot the zoom was on... haha.
We didnt do much.. just sat around and finished the Legos project. Then I took Dakotah home. I already miss the kid.

Wellp its now time to make Thanksgiving Pecan Pie!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The awakening of a sleeping giant

°Metallica Concert kicked ass
°I'm home.
°Twilight premiers tonight.
°Don't want to go to work tomorrow.
°Stars Game Saturday.

*Screen goes fuzzy, music ques, time travels back to Tuesday night, BOK Center.*

As the lights go down, I cant help but hear the most primal scream escape my lips. I see James step up on stage and they automatically go into perfomance. The crowd is going nuts. The light show is unexplainable.. each light coming from huge steel coffins hung from the rafters. The vibe is insane and I can't believe I'm there to witness it.

Every song they played was amped with energy and furiosity. I couldnt believe I was seeing "Metallica". The band I had made fun of so many times for selling out and sucking ass. I couldnt believe I was actually enjoying myself.

They put on one of the best shows I've ever seen. 2'nd best in my lifetime..(you wont catch me putting Metallica before Slayer, sorry)... and I'll admit I half expected to see Lars coming onto stage driving hover-round, James toting a cane, and Kirk to be sitting in the yoga position center stage. They really blew my perception of Metallica out of the water.

I plan on seeing them again and the journalist who compared this tour to Russia taking over Georgia was dead on.. This is the awakening of a sleeping giant.

*Screen goes fuzzy, intro of The Day that Never Comes is on. Faze back to now*

I'm home, sleepy and not wanting to go to work. I'd rather go see the Twilight premier tonight at midnight... oh Twilight with your one liners that make me melt and be thankful for my own Edward(ahem Garrett). I'm quite excited about tomorrow and seeing it. I dont care if I have to drag my 11 yr old brother and 25 yr old boyfriend along! I'm seeing it!!

Saturday we're going to see the Stars play. Third row behind the players! I'm sooo stoked. =]

Well I guess I should end this and go to bed.
Blah, work.

XoXo, Tiffany

Sunday, November 9, 2008

So what do ya say?

As I walk in my door, happy to be home from the Danzig concert, I notice somethings not right. I look up and see a pumkin sitting right in my view. "Will you marry me?" carved into it.

"What?" I say.. more confused than anything. I look at Garrett and he has a white box open with a ring and he says "So... what do you say?"

Still confused but starting to get the idea of whats going on I say "huh?" and he repeats "What do you say?" holding the ring in my view.

"oh!!!! of course!!" Then we kiss.

So... Garrett and I are engaged!!!! We've haven't set the date just yet, but are planning on late September or early October of nexty year More details soon. We're very excited.

There are those who thought it would never happen, but, as I'm discovering, not too many who thought it shouldn't. =]

Before I ever met Garrett I had told 2 close friends that he was the one. As I waited in the parking lot to meet Garrett for the first time in person with my dear friend Koldee Kong, I told him that Garrett is going to be the guy I marry.. and not to call me crazy for spending a weekend with a guy I've never met. haha.

Luckily throwing all caution to the wind finally paid off.. because I am the happiest girl on earth. Every day gets better and I've learned what love really is. I could get mushier.. but I dont want to make anyone throw up.

Next fall, you better be there!!!



Thursday, October 30, 2008


No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace
as I have seen in one autumnal face
- John Donne

It's not the right time of year to be thinking of new beginnings but I cant help but feel infleunced by the beauty around me.
I'm finding myself inspired by the most simple of things... and finding myself feeling truely happy to have the life I live.
So as my world outside prepares for slumber, I'm finding myself happy and complete.~Tiffany

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